Radical Hospitality

Mar 17, 2013    Pastor Brian Zahnd

Throughout the Gospel of Luke, we see Jesus moves from table to table, meal to meal, announcing and enacting the Kingdom of God as radical hospitality. In the 19th chapter of Luke, Jesus is on his journey from Galilee to Jerusalem. Jesus and his disciples have arrived in Jericho, just a day before they will arrive in Jerusalem and ride through the gates in what will become known as the Triumphal Entry. As Jesus made his way through the city of Jericho, the chief tax collector Zacchaeus made his way to see Jesus. Zacchaeus was rich and corrupt, as consummate moral outcast, who had been excluded from worship at the temple. He would be the last person you'd expect to find the Messiah with. But we must not be so quick to dismiss those who appear to be far from the Kingdom of God just because they don't presently participate in the accepted forms of religious life. What Zacchaeus has going for him is that he is intensely interested in finding out who Jesus really is. Discover the radical hospitality of Jesus towards Zacchaeus in this message.