Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
We are committed to joining families in raising life-long disciples of Jesus.

Sunday Mornings
First and Next Steps
First Steps and Next Steps is for kids ages birth through kindergarten and meets in various classrooms assigned by age. Our focus is to introduce important principles such as who God is, and the fact that God created us and loves us. We use an interactive play-to-learn format to allow for both one-on-one connection between children while experiencing a playful presentation of Bible stories and truths centered on Jesus.
Kids Kamp
Kids Kamp is our kids ministry for 1st-5th graders. We believe that life with Jesus is the greatest adventure of all and we invite kids to experience adventures with Jesus each Sunday. With age-specific teachings, small group experiences, and tons of fun, our aim is to ensure kids know Jesus and are known by his church.
Baby Dedication
We dedicate babies during our Sunday morning worship service upon request.
If you would like to schedule a Baby Dedication, please complete the form at the bottom of this page.
If you would like to schedule a Baby Dedication, please complete the form at the bottom of this page.
Kids Kamp: Adventures with Jesus!
Leading the Way

Sarah Foster
Kids Ministry Coordinator
Sarah is a mom of three boys and has a life-time of kids minsitry experience. She is passionate about children knowing Jesus and being known by his church.
You can reach Sarah at sarah@wolc.com.
You can reach Sarah at sarah@wolc.com.
Hopefully this helps!
How do I check my child in?
Check-in opens fifteen minutes before service begins. The Word of Life Kids check-in desk is located opposite the main entrance in the foyer. If it's your first time here, our team of caring volunteers will gather some basic information about your family: names, address, age of your child, etc. You and your child will be given stickers with matching security codes. Place your child’s sticker on his or her back and keep your sticker somewhere safe; you'll need it when picking your child up after service. Our team will be happy to direct you to the proper space for each of your kids and give you further info about the pick up and communication process.
What about safety?
We take a proactive approach to safety and security because the safe care of your child is of the utmost importance to us. Every member of our Word of Life Kids Ministry has been screened and approved through our application and interview process. Every volunteer has an active background check on file which we regularly update and every volunteer has completed our abuse awareness training provided through MinistrySafe - an organization founded by legal professionals and abuse experts, Gregory Love and Kimberlee Norris. Through their litigation practice representing victims of child sexual abuse, they recognized a vital need to equip churches and ministry programs to better protect children from abuse. We also have emergency protocols in place in the case of weather, fire, or intruder. We hold training events for our team every year - as well as on-going reminders of these policies throughout the year.
What if my child needs me during service?
We have a number system which our check-in team can explain in depth for you. Each child has number on their security tag and if your child is need of a parent or guardian during service, your child's number will appear on the small screens located on the outside top corners of the main sanctuary screens.
What if my child has specific needs?
Please let us know if your child has specific needs. We welcome every child, just as Jesus did! Our staff will work together with you to do ensure we are doing all that we can to provide a safe and welcoming experience for your child. From developmental and behavioral needs to dietary restrictions, we hope to serve each of our families with compassion and care. Please contact our kids ministry coordinator with questions or specific needs at Sarah@wolc.com or complete the form below.