Bless Us, Burn Them?

Feb 17, 2013    Pastor Brian Zahnd

The Samaritans were a separate ethnic group from the Jews, with different theological views. These differences often translated into violence between the two groups. Most Jews would thus travel around Samaria instead of traveling through it. But on his journey to Jerusalem, Jesus journeyed right through the middle of it. During their travel, a Samaritan town refused him and his disciples hospitality because they were Jews. In response to this insult, the disciples James and John wanted to burn them up with the fire of God, and found scriptural evidence to support their argument. In their desire to burn the Samaritan 'them' with the fire of God, James and John cite the Bible to support their desire. This is exactly what Elijah did when the Samaritans opposed him. James and John (and the rest of the disciples) obviously think violence is an option, and they believe Jesus will ultimately turn to violence in order to usher in the Kingdom of God. But they are wrong! Jesus is not Elijah! Jesus' way of changing the world is not on a battlefield but at a shared table. He blesses his enemies, and instead of resorting to violence, will allow his body to be broken and his own blood to be shed.