The Child Jesus

Dec 30, 2012    Pastor Brian Zahnd

God did not suddenly appear on the earth in human form one day. He came just as every other human did: He was born to a mother as an infant, and grew through childhood and into an adult. But the Bible tells us very little about Jesus' childhood life. The only account of his life between infancy and age thirty is found in the book of Luke, in which a 12-year-old Jesus is "lost" at the Temple in Jerusalem. And when Mary and Joseph finally find Jesus safe in the Temple, it is there that we hear the first recorded words of Jesus, when he says "Why are you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father's house?" Although Jesus was speaking to his parents, he could very well be speaking to each one of us, "Why are you looking for me?" We seek after God in church buildings on Sundays, not because Jesus is lost, but because WE are lost. And we believe that Jesus knows the way!