Watch the latest sermon.
Check out the lastest sermon from Word of Life Church lead pastor Brian Zahnd and other pastors.
Other content can be found on our media page, our YouTube channel, or by podcast.
Other content can be found on our media page, our YouTube channel, or by podcast.
Lenten Retreat
The Cost of Discipleship: Entering Lent with Dietrich Bonhoeffer
At Lied Lodge in Nebraska City, Nebraska
March 6-8, 2025
Join our livestream.
We live stream our Sunday Service at 10 AM CT and Wednesday Prayer at Noon CT.
To watch previous livestreams visit
To watch previous livestreams visit
Learn about upcoming events, groups, and projects.
Looking for more information about upcoming events, groups, or projects? You're in the right place. We host in-person and online events including retreats, conferences, online courses, and events for the whole family. Groups are a great way to get connected and include in-person and online opportunites. Many of our projects include campaigns to serve the marginalized in our church and community.

Word of Life is seeking to be an authentic expression of the kingdom of Jesus in the 21st century.
"At its best there’s nothing like the church. A place where Matthew 25 is just a normal day—a place where the poor are fed and clothed, the sick are helped and healed, a place where the immigrant is welcomed, and the prisoner is given dignity. A place where everyone is saint and sinner. A place where a judge and a felon can sit side by side on the same pew with equal status in Christ. A place where we not only carry each other’s burdens, but when necessary carry each other, because, despite our vast differences in education and opportunity, opinions and politics, we are learning to love one another like Jesus loves us—unconditionally. This is the church I believe in." - Pastor Brian Zahnd
The Brothers Karamazov Online Course
A 10-week online course with Brian Zahnd.
Mondays at 7:00 PM CT
beginning January 6, 2025.
Early Christianity in Asia Minor
A Pilgrimage in Turkiye with Brian and Peri Zahnd
Two trips in 2025