Jesus Is Lord... and Caesar Is Not

May 12, 2013    Pastor Brian Zahnd

If you want to sum up the Gospel in its most succinct form, this is it: Jesus is Lord! The Apostles actually believed that with the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus, the world was now being governed by a new emperor, a new administration. The politics of Caesar and empire had been replaced by the politics of Christ. Through faith and baptism we become citizens of the kingdom of God, and we bring the culture of the Kingdom of God to earth through how we pray and how we live. This is what we mean when we say, "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." For the baptized, our government is not from earth, but rather from heaven. Through the luck of our birth we may be American, or Chinese, or French, or Iranian. But if we are baptized, our allegiance is pledged to Christ and our citizenship is in heaven. Jesus is Lord, and Caesar is not!